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Yes it is chillier.. so let's get motivated!

Writer: Lydia StrangeLydia Strange

Has anyone else felt like hibernating recently?! Suddenly getting the motivation to workout is slightly harder when the beach days are behind us for a while and the temperature is that little bit cooler... Once the autumn weather hits and the days get shorter I have to try extra hard to keep my healthy habits from slipping away. Luckily, I've recognised this and found ways to make it that bit easier - now I teach I have no excuses I have to find the energy to motivate myself and you guys too, but that is what I love about this job!

Anyway, I tend to hear from you guys that it's not the class you dread (phew!) but it is the motivation to get to class which can sometimes be a struggle. Sound familiar?

These tricks have helped jolt me back in to my routine, so give them a try and keep me posted on what works for you...

Let There Be Light

When it's darker in the morning, I find it really really easy to press snooze, more than once, more than twice...I end up snoozing for ages! Instead, I have got in to the habit of setting my alarm dead on the time I have to be up, then I head for the light switch and open the curtains instantly! Once the sun starts rising and once I am officially out of bed it doesn't feel nearly as bad.

Gear Up

When I'm struggling to make it to class I put on my exercise gear and I instantly feel more motivated to get going, I mean you're half way there if you're dressed for the occasion! And in the chilly weather, cozy clothes make everything just a little bit better so put on a big jumper to keep yourself warm.

Brush Your Teeth

OK, this may seem strange, but it really works! Brushing my teeth gets me feeling refreshed and feeling tired. Maybe it is something in the minty toothpaste but again, trust me - it works!

Lug Your Gym Bag to Work

Winter nights are the death of evening workouts. When I used to leave the office in the pitch dark, all I could think about was curling up on the sofa with a blanket and a cuppa! But if I made sure to take my gym bag to the office, my mind would be set that I was going to exercise that evening. Not going would leave me feeling a lot worse off! If that's not feasible - lay your exercise clothes out on your bed so when you get home it's easy to quickly change in to them.

Recruit a Buddy

During the Winter, one of the biggest tricks you can pull is recruiting a buddy to hit the gym with you. No matter what you do or at what time of day, enlisting a partner will mean that the moment you start to drag your feet on the way to work out, you'll have no choice but to make it there anyway. Plus exercising with pals is the perfect way to catch up and always a bit more fun!


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